Is the Bible Really Anti-Gay
Is the Bible Really Anti-Gay
Is the Bible Really Anti-Gay
James Appel
Independently Published, 2022
ISBN 9798841102342
Softcover, 204 pp
In our world today, no one is more marginalized than the LGBTQ+ community. In some countries they are imprisoned or even killed. Some Western secular societies have made huge strides towards equality, at least officially. But for many Christians, homosexuality is an abomination to be fought against. Why? "Because the Bible clearly says so" is the reply, usually followed by a so-called CLOBBER text.
But is the Bible really so clear? What are the underlying Biblical themes that can give us a bigger picture? What does the Bible say about friendship? Marriage? Celibacy? Eunuchs? All of these are important in order to understand what the Bible really says to LGBTQ+ people.
This book presents a simple, Bible-based theology for interpreting and understanding this divisive topic and ultimately points us to the God of love revealed in Jesus, the champion of the marginalized who said, "Love your neighbor as yourself."