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How God Acts

How God Acts

Regular price $27.00 USD
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How God Acts

Creation, Redemption, and Special Divine Action

Denis Edwards
Fortress Press, 2010
ISBN 9780800697006

Softcover, 224 pp.
6.0 X 9.0 X 0.6 inches | 0.65 pounds

How does the Christian doctrine of creation square with the picture of an evolving universe we receive from science today? How do the badly predatory behavior and wasteful extinction of whole species fit in with a Christian understanding?

These and a host of related questions raised by ordinary experience are tackled in this important and original work from theologian Denis Edwards. From providence and miracles to resurrection and intercessory prayer, Edwards shows how a basically noninterventionist model of divine action does justice to the universe as we know it and also to central convictions of Christian faith about the goodness of God, the promises of God, and the fulfillment of creation. Here is wonderfully lucid theology supporting a vision of how God is at work in the universe.

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